Interesting how when the #eu , namely #germany and #france is faced with the likes of #facebook , #instagram (and #meta in general), apparently #sovereignty is important! "Digital giants must understand that the European continent will resist and affirm its sovereignty". They #laughed when the #uk insisted on reclaiming its own... Also note how they speak as a #superstate , not individual #nations ... Whatever works for them I guess. As time goes on, I realise #britain is very different from the rest...
@barray on Wed Dec 08 13:55:59 UTC 2021 said: &e#vaccine #mandates in #germany Looks like Germany has fallen as the #lotuseaters #article suggests. Damn. This #omicron #covid #variant appears to have just #fastracked #plans already in place. There is still zero #evidence that it is anything to even be worried about.Looks like #christmas might be #cancelled in the #uk now... I might not have missed much anyway: #covid #vaccine #passports , #quarantines , #lockdowns , #bubbles - fun fun. Damn.
As if #germany hasn't #suffered enough from rule of #merkel , she now is #mandating #vaccines to the #german people, #blaming them for the recent #surge Bare in mind, the current #vaccine does *not* stop the #spread and it will be even less effective against the #omicron #covid #variant . Merkel is the same person who believed that the #eu #syrian #immigrant #crisis was a #success !
The #energy #crisis is not getting any better, especially not in the #eu It should not be this difficult to keep the #lights on in such a well #developed area, this is a massive #failure in #leadership . Believe it or not, #germany is *still* planning to #shutdown their #nuclear #plants - removing their own #energysecurity . Damn.
#germany now #warning #young #adults and #pregnant #women not to get the #moderna #covid #vaccine This follows #france recently doing the same. This is really not looking good.
How long till #poland opt to leave the #eu due to the ongoing #illegal #immigrant situation? They *all* want to go to #germany - congratulations to #merkel !
#germany can get off their #highhorse about #climatechange and #emissions when they #refuse to #singup to the #cop pledge of a 2040 #combustion #engine #phaseout
Awesome, there are now #reserved #segregated #parking #spaces in #germany for #lgbt and #immigrants in the name of " #diversity " Thank god the #uk left the #eu - we can start to get this #bullshit out of our #society ... We #fought for and paid a very high price for #equality of #opportunity - where one #race or #group is not preferred over another - you know, like the #nazis did?
Interesting, a #windturbine randomly #collapsed in #germany just days before it was set to be #inaugurated - apparently not #sabotage either: This comes at a time when people rightfully #protest for #nuclear #energy to be rightfully reconsidered - I very much agree.
Oops, a #gang that worked together to #explode at least 15 #atm units in #germany ended up having one of their members #die in an #explosion after #filming a #tutorial #video Something kind of #poetic about that. Initially I was wondering about whether it was #politically #motivated - the linked #article makes no mention of it.
#germany have apparently #elected two #trans #women to #parliament This isn't itself a problem. What is a problem is the #ideology of #victimhood , the #destruction of #gender and any #conservative / #liberal concepts, the push of #green ideology at *any* #cost ... These people are scary not for what they are, but what they believe. Also scary is that the #green #party in Germany is #centreleft ...
This is a highly concerning act of #violence if true, if we have the #afd #party in #germany getting #arson #attacked The concern is that #antifa - a #leftwing #terrorist group - were #responsible for the attack, given they have attacked the #victim #vadimderksen before, for which he suffered a #stab #wound ... Shit is getting hot.
Apparently #germany will now stop #free #covid #tests They now believe that things will go back to normal now that #vaccinations have been rolled out. I guess they looked at the #uk and could finally see a way out of the #pandemic !
Ouch, things are not looking good for #germany with #negative #bond #yields I suspect this in part due to #covid - in part due to the #us #pension tumble by #china and in part due to #italy issuing bonds against the strength of the #euro ... This could be the begin of the EU collapse I predicted may happen after #brexit
#germany is surprisingly #based when it comes to #facebook #censorship I would perhaps go a little further and even have some fundamental right for #german #users to be able to use this #social network.
@barray on Sun Jul 25 20:30:21 UTC 2021 said: &eI have really enjoyed #thesagaoftanyatheevil #anime 's first season - it really feels like it was playing out the #firstworldwar from the perspective of #nazi #germany ... It's really well thought out and interesting, seeing the motivations from each side. Can't wait to see the following #movie that follows and season 2 which is in the works.Currently watching #thesagaoftanyatheevil - an #anime based on #nazi #germany in a alternative universe where some people have magical powers: I was hesitant at first, but it's growing on me. I found my hesitancy interesting though - we have tonnes of #media that supports #socialism and #communism - and the idea that I might watch something #fascist (which it's not) almost put me off entirely. Just an interesting observation.