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@barray on Thu Sep 30 10:29:45 UTC 2021 said: &e
I should really do more to #compress the #images on #coffeespace and work harder on images for #deadsocial https://endtimes.dev/why-you-should-dith.. I may try out some #experiments later, apparently #png is way more suitable for #dithering than #jpeg - which has 3 channels baked into the #format ...
@barray on Wed Sep 29 11:04:07 UTC 2021 said: &e
An interesting #idea is to make #deadsocial #operate entirely #offline - where the #server is not even #required in order to use the #service ... I will have a think on this after my #phd #deadline ! This was always the goal with this #system anyway!
@barray on Tue Sep 28 03:20:45 UTC 2021 said: &e
*Very* interesting #sqlite #archive #files https://www.sqlite.org/sqlar.html I really should look at putting in a #database #backend into #deadsocial !
@barray on Sun Sep 26 15:33:48 UTC 2021 said: &e
I generally agree with the approach to #sustainable #software described in this #blog https://www.jefftk.com/p/designing-low-u.. I generally like single-file #libraries that I can include entirely in my project, anything too large or temperamental makes me nervous! The only thing I have begun to #backtrack on is my position on #database implementations - #deadsocial for example is now experiencing the very real #limitations of a multi-file based " #database ".
@barray on Wed Sep 22 21:00:27 UTC 2021 said: &e
@barray on Wed Sep 22 20:58:27 UTC 2021 said: &e
I think I need to greatly #reduce the #deadsocial #cache size later, it's too large for the #available #ram I have on this #server ... It's currently using about 5MB out of the dedicated 6.4MB - this could be what's causing the occasional crashing during #builds !
Looks like there isn't a setting for #cache size in #deadsocial - so I will likely need to #code one from scratch: https://github.com/danielbarry/d3ad-soci.. I remember roughly in the code where that will need to happen though...
@barray on Wed Sep 22 20:58:27 UTC 2021 said: &e
I think I need to greatly #reduce the #deadsocial #cache size later, it's too large for the #available #ram I have on this #server ... It's currently using about 5MB out of the dedicated 6.4MB - this could be what's causing the occasional crashing during #builds !
@barray on Sat Sep 18 02:54:58 UTC 2021 said: &e
Just read an article about somebody who got #censored on #twitter for a #joke - it must be the first time that's ever happened! http://lapcatsoftware.com/articles/twitt.. I made a #comment over on #hackernews about some ideas I have regarding this: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=285.. Essentially it boils down some ideas I've had for #deadsocial - but not really had the time to work on yet.
@barray on Mon Sep 13 00:14:30 UTC 2021 said: &e
Weird, #deadsocial just #rebooted - I suspect due to the compiling of the recent #article on #coffeespace ... I have no idea what to really do about this, I think all that can be done has been.
@barray on Sun Sep 12 04:13:54 UTC 2021 said: &e
Nice custom #socialmedia #implementation named #honk built in #go https://honk.tedunangst.com/ It's of course #opensource https://humungus.tedunangst.com/r/honk I will of course also push #deadsocial - although it is much less complete it is a million times more #lightweight https://github.com/danielbarry/d3ad-soci.. Slowly but surely!
@barray on Sun Sep 05 19:26:13 UTC 2021 said: &e
@barray on Sun Sep 05 16:30:19 UTC 2021 said: &e
According to this random #stackoverflow page, the #java #jvm by default uses 128MB of #ram ! https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1493.. Well, that would certainly cause the #coffeespace #server some issues given it has exactly 128MB of RAM! Apparently you can at least restrict the #heap size, so that's a start.
Fingers crossed this issue is now fixed for the #coffeespace #server - specifically the #ram usage of #deadsocial ... According to `ps aux` it is using 25% of the 128MB of RAM - but it doesn't quite add up. Meh, I now can see 32MB free, so that's an improvement. When I run the #build #script later with #ffmpeg I'm sure it will max out, but hopefully not crash.
@barray on Fri Sep 03 13:33:31 UTC 2021 said: &e
@barray on Fri Sep 03 13:17:09 UTC 2021 said: &e
The #coffeespace #article #build checker seems to be stuck in an infinite loop - I noticed I kept getting #rss updates but didn't put it together in my mind. Looking at the #bash #script though and I cannot find the reason why... #ffmpeg just keeps spinning up occasionally? Either that or it's taking so bloody long to complete...
Nope, definitely keeps restarting the build process... Interesting. Does it for the #coffeespace #build #script but not the #deadsocial build script, despite them being identical... One endlessly builds, the other does not. Very weird.
@barray on Fri Sep 03 13:00:32 UTC 2021 said: &e
@barray on Fri Sep 03 12:49:27 UTC 2021 said: &e
Fingers crossed I just #pushed a #darkmode #css for #deadsocial that doesn't break everything! It's really quite a simple change, so in theory it *should* work fine and look better in the #coffeespace #article #embeddings !
I believe the new #deadsocial #darktheme works - and it works well! Nice! It ended up being an unbelievably small code change: https://github.com/danielbarry/d3ad-soci.. Just a single line of #css #code !
@barray on Fri Sep 03 12:49:27 UTC 2021 said: &e
Fingers crossed I just #pushed a #darkmode #css for #deadsocial that doesn't break everything! It's really quite a simple change, so in theory it *should* work fine and look better in the #coffeespace #article #embeddings !
@barray on Fri Sep 03 04:16:34 UTC 2021 said: &e
This is getting towards the #idea I had for #deadsocial - but still not quite there: https://www.evalrss.com/ People are getting close to #rss based #socialmedia though, won't be too long now!
@barray on Wed Aug 25 11:14:19 UTC 2021 said: &e
I often fall prey to the exact same #weekend #trap https://danluu.com/sounds-easy/ #deadsocial was actually the outcome of me looking at #twitter and thinking "I could do a better job than that". I'm pretty happy with the result so far, but it's hardly got the same #functionality ...
@barray on Mon Aug 09 12:12:04 UTC 2021 said: &e
Interesting idea for #sustainable #webdesign - where things are measured in #carbon https://sustainablewebdesign.org/ I tested #coffeespace using their tool: https://www.websitecarbon.com/website/co.. Apparently it uses 0.4g of CO2 per page load (better than 75% of the internet). Trying #deadsocial - it apparently uses 0.00g of carbon (better than 99%): https://www.websitecarbon.com/website/co.. I really call #bullshit on this #calculator ...
