@barray on Tue Aug 03 09:32:21 UTC 2021 said: &e
@barray on Mon Aug 02 21:39:47 UTC 2021 said: &e
Got a meeting later with a #dietician to figure out how well the #keto #diet is going. The #doctor has found zero issues with my #vitamin levels or #health in any sense - in fact I am amongst one of the #healthiest people there. Yet, I suspect this meeting shortly will be me being told I've done everything wrong. When it comes to the keto diet, everyone seems to have a different #opinion about what you're doing wrong, despite the results.
The meeting with the #dietician went well earlier, surprisingly they didn't want me to change my #keto #diet at all. Their thinking was not to mess with something that isn't broken, despite it not being something they would normally recommend. They seemed quite impressed with my #weightloss so far, but I imagine this is true with everybody they meet. I have some friends hopefully visiting on the weekend I haven't see since #christmas - so that would be the real test of progress in the last 8 months.