Coffee Space


Database Concept Update 2

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Yeah… I wasn’t expecting to have an update on this so quickly, but after some sleep and some new round of motivation, I quickly addressed some of the previous issues raised.


There have been a series of changes, but I’ll just list them out here and give an overview of why they were done:

There are likely a few other things, but that’s all I can think of for now.


As you can see, we now have performance measures for udatabase_put(), udatabase_get(), udatabase_remove() - the main database functions we expect to spend the majority of our time. Instead of just testing 4k records, we now test 500k records. Compared to the previous results, we will make some comparisons…

Records vs Time Per Record

udatabase_put() is still O(n)O(n), but is significantly faster than previously documented. udatabase_put() needs to search for previous entries, delete them, then write a new entry. It’s quite a costly operation. udatabase_get() and udatabase_remove() are much cheaper operations though and are closer to O(1)O(1) as they can make use of the RAM lookup table.

Records vs Total Time

The total time taken to perform a bulk of operations is now closer to O(n)O(n) (rather than O(n2)O(n^2) as it was previously).

Records vs Record Rate

One last measurement is records per second, which describes how many records can be processed in a second. I believe this is the most important metric when comparing against other databases.

As for performance, during testing we were using at most 0.2% of my very old i76700HQ CPU, and approximately 20MB of RAM. I believe it is fair to say that our biggest issue currently is disk performance, where all tests are being performed on an old spinning drive.

Raw data:

Function Records ms ms/record records/sec
udatabase_put() 128 10 0.078125 12800.000000
udatabase_put() 256 17 0.066406 15058.823529
udatabase_put() 512 35 0.068359 14628.571429
udatabase_put() 1024 69 0.067383 14840.579710
udatabase_put() 2048 148 0.072266 13837.837838
udatabase_put() 4096 289 0.070557 14173.010381
udatabase_put() 8192 593 0.072388 13814.502530
udatabase_put() 65536 5413 0.082596 12107.149455
udatabase_put() 131072 11812 0.090118 11096.512022
udatabase_put() 262144 27836 0.106186 9417.445035
udatabase_put() 524288 68178 0.130039 7689.987973
udatabase_get() 128 8 0.062500 16000.000000
udatabase_get() 256 16 0.062500 16000.000000
udatabase_get() 512 32 0.062500 16000.000000
udatabase_get() 1024 68 0.066406 15058.823529
udatabase_get() 2048 131 0.063965 15633.587786
udatabase_get() 4096 271 0.066162 15114.391144
udatabase_get() 8192 578 0.070557 14173.010381
udatabase_get() 65536 4567 0.069687 14349.901467
udatabase_get() 131072 9716 0.074127 13490.325237
udatabase_get() 262144 20609 0.078617 12719.879664
udatabase_get() 524288 46317 0.088343 11319.558693
udatabase_remove() 128 9 0.070312 14222.222222
udatabase_remove() 256 17 0.066406 15058.823529
udatabase_remove() 512 37 0.072266 13837.837838
udatabase_remove() 1024 72 0.070312 14222.222222
udatabase_remove() 2048 152 0.074219 13473.684211
udatabase_remove() 4096 318 0.077637 12880.503145
udatabase_remove() 8192 629 0.076782 13023.847377
udatabase_remove() 65536 5190 0.079193 12627.360308
udatabase_remove() 131072 10601 0.080879 12364.116593
udatabase_remove() 262144 21289 0.081211 12313.589178
udatabase_remove() 524288 47117 0.089869 11127.363797

Next Steps

There is a little more work to go before I am happy to release this project. It’s quite important that this project works correctly, people don’t like databases that lose data!

I hope to get a little more speed-up, fix the integer widths, reduce hashing performed and reduce disk I/O. Once there is more speed-up, I should then be able to run more large-scale tests.