Apparently a #terrorist who #killed 13 #us #soldiers in #afghanistan was freed after the #biden #withdrawal Fun!
Interesting #article on the #bbc about #sugar #withdrawal and how some of the " #reward " affects can be stronger than #cocaine - especially when looking at #dopamine I won't lie, getting onto the #keto #diet was very difficult. There's a *very* good reason why many people fail at it.
#aardvark sum up #afghanistan nicely: "Be #ashamed #america , be ashamed." In all honesty, I think #biden needs to own up to this #shitshow of an #evacuation that has screwed over absolutely everybody in the #withdrawal process.
@barray on Sun Aug 15 17:11:11 UTC 2021 said: &eBare in mind, even #afghanistan 's #president has now #evacuated Absolute madness and chaos caused by the fucking #biden #administration - he has some serious questions to answer. Their #withdrawal was abysmal and dangerous.Well shit, a young #lad from the #uk is currently stuck in #afghanistan evading the #taliban Apparently he dressed as a #local before being taken to a #secret #safehouse by some #british #forces - insane.
@barray on Sun Aug 08 00:20:45 UTC 2021 said: &e#biden on #afghanistan "They've Got to #fight for Themselves" Apparently Biden recalls that he does *not* #regret #withdrawal as the #taliban have taken over major cities.Looks like #afghanistan is about to be lost to the #taliban any moment now thanks to crappy #withdraw actions by #biden The #retreat was *so quick* - that they left #military *weapon* and *vehicles* - which the Taliban are now using. The #us have now sent B-52 #bombers - but it looks like too little, too late.