As #tldrnews point out, the #uk 's #pound is looking pretty bad right now: They try to point out some #positives . but the #truth is that #liztruss has really fucked things up already. What we needed was major #austerity #measures .
Yeah, the #uk is not looking good over the #winter for #energy The only good thing is that we are somewhat #decoupled from the #eu , being #energy #secure in the #eu is no good if your #neighbour is #short ... It's a shared #drig after all. Expect #power #instability in the #eu .
The #uk is cutting #tax whilst increasing #rates , something that will be paid with #debt Well, we're #screwed . The #british #pound will be below the #us #dollar soon unless something changes.
This #breakdown of the #uk 's #cost of #living shows the #price of almost everything is increased now: We can keep #lying to ourselves, but the #reality is that this is just #inflation at this point, the #british #pound just #buys less.
People have been #celebrating the #erosion of #freedomofspeech in the #uk for a long time, and are now surprised that people are being #arrested If only somebody could have predicted this... As they say in the #video , the #british #army have been called into #london to help with #policing for " #security ". Whose #security is a good question.
Interesting #article on using an #algorithm to #divide the #uk by #population It seems like #scotland would lose a lot of #votes for #uk #parliament , which might be a good thing.
Weird, we still have no #nation #statistics from the #uk #national #census , yet they are already talking about how they will change the #data It *really* sounds like do not like the #results . It wouldn't have taken this long to #process if they did each #record one by one. Very strange.
#benandjerrys is increasingly becoming more about #politics and less about #icecream They are now jokingly telling the #uk #homeoffice what to do, including scrapping the #rwanda #deportation #plan .
I now have a #ups #ordered - apparently the #uk will have more #blackouts , possibly even #rolling #blackouts during #winter . As my #work relies on a #computer , it makes sense to have an #uninterruptible #power #supply . Hopefully I can figure out how to #charge it on #cheap rate #electricity .
#oldham #council #caught acting very badly: Here's the thing, with zero #accountability , this is not the #exception , it's actually the #rule ! Most #uk #councils are run like complete shit. Most #funds from #central #government are not #advertised properly and then eaten up by other things, such as #staff #parties , #private #contracts , etc. There is insane levels of #corruption there.
#uk #manufacturing that we desperately need to #promote is at high #risk of actually shutting down due to increasing #energy #bills
#liztruss #wins the #uk #pm #position and will now be absolutely bombarded with #problems to #solve in the wake of #boris There are literally now too many #crisis #issues to be listed here. Best of luck to her.
Great, I think we have started having #rolling #blackouts in the #uk ... Guess which #idiot has a #laptop as their #desktop with a bear #dead #battery ?
Interesting, the next #pm of the #uk may put a 50% + 1 #requirement for *all* #register #voters in #scotland for #independence , not just those that show up: I quite like #jefftaylor 's #idea that this could be a new #requirement for #constitutional changes.
I said this the other day: #nuclear #power is needed #immediately in the #uk 700 #million #pounds is not nearly enough though. We should also push back on #decommissions for as long as we #dare so that there is significant #overlap in #power #output . Glad to see #china being pushed out of #sizewell in #suffolk too.
Apparently the #uk #government are now being #warned that rising #energy #bills will lead to " #civil #unrest ": This is at a time where the #uk has no real #leadership and the #race for #pm keeps getting pushed back, because #gchq is "worried" about #russian #influence .