#benandjerrys is increasingly becoming more about #politics and less about #icecream https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/ben-je.. They are now jokingly telling the #uk #homeoffice what to do, including scrapping the #rwanda #deportation #plan .
Apparently the #uk #government 's #homeoffice will be #investigating the *1946* #deportation of #chinese #sailors based on #racism https://www.lotuseaters.com/home-office-.. As others have pointed out, it really looks like the #labour party, particularly #mp #kimjohnson , hates the Country they are in. These men are likely long dead and it's not even clear who benefits from this. Surely there are better things to be done?
*Very* pleasant surprise to see #photonicinduction back on #youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUq0NVO0.. Sounds like the man has had a hell of a time getting his #indian wife to the #uk - something the #homeoffice have made very difficult.
Strong rebuttal to the #homeoffice by #ellahill on anti-white #racism in the #uk https://www.lotuseaters.com/the-home-off.. Seems like it's actually a much larger problem than they would like people to believe it is.