Pretty cool #system for handlign #post #requests as #emails on a #webserver
@barray on Tue Sep 13 14:51:57 UTC 2022 said: &eDefinitely worth checking out the other #http #commands / #requests #ideas on #http #commands and #requests #help for sure is required. #undo could theoretically be useful, but could also cause issues. I wasn't aware of #patch and #delete ! I wouldn't add #buy as I believe it would end up a #security #nightmare !
Interesting #ideas on #http #commands and #requests #help for sure is required. #undo could theoretically be useful, but could also cause issues. I wasn't aware of #patch and #delete ! I wouldn't add #buy as I believe it would end up a #security #nightmare !
Hmm, the #signal #client is randomly sending off #requests to a random #eu #domain for #tracking Highly suspect.
#apple had removed a #quran #app in #china due to #requests from the #ccp I'm sure this will end well.
@barray on Tue Oct 05 01:56:19 UTC 2021 said: &e#cloudflare #report that due to the #requests from #apps , etc, trying to #access #facebook and making #requests to #dns #servers - DNS saw approximately 30x more #traffic ! That's really quite something, I couldn't possibly imagine running a #service that deals with so much #traffic ! Sounds like hell.Ouch, due to #facebook #dns not #resolving - their #users were #ddosing their own #servers #recursively trying to #reconnect
Apparently the #hackernews #server is run like this: But apparently since 2018, it now gets 6M daily #requests #coffeespace gets about 30k requests per day, or 0.5% of their daily #traffic - wow! Joke is, I run my #vps at a fraction of the cost and resources...