@barray on Mon Oct 11 03:53:06 UTC 2021 said: &eAdd #lebanon to the #blackout list: https://www.zerohedge.com/energy/entiret.. It's definitely getting worse... I think #nz will *just about* be okay, but it'll be close.#india now hit with #power #blackouts as the #energy #crisis continues to spread, with a massive #coal #shortage https://www.zerohedge.com/energy/india-f.. This is not going to get better any time soon. Some #industries cannot even take a one day break from #electricity without having some multi-month #delay in #production capability (think #chip #shortage ).
Apparently there may be an incoming #kiwicoin - a #crypto #coin based in the #nz #dollar https://aardvark.co.nz/daily/2021/1007.s.. Apparently this is the first step towards a #cashless #society - and possibly a sign of #inflation on the #horizon ... I would be *extremely* #hesitant to get on board with this - I really suspect the rug will be pulled from underneath people.
Wow, #australia have now closed their #borders until 2022: https://timcast.com/news/foreign-visitor.. I am concerned the same may happen here in #nz - although #jacinda did recently #reconsider the idea of #zero #covid ... Let's see. I'm just not feeling particularly great about this situation.
*Very interesting* - It looks like #nz is giving up on the zero #covid #policy that I #predicted is #impossible to actually #implement *and* open up the Country: https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/new-z.. I'm surprised #jacinda is actually doing it though, I really thought she would have to be #voted out first.
#aardvark - I know you're #scared about #covid - we all are; but don't let it cloud your judgement: https://aardvark.co.nz/daily/2021/1004.s.. #nz fought very hard in opposition to #twotier #societies ... I do believe that those who have chosen not to get #vaccinated - after being #offered it, should be allowed to take their chances as they have chosen. But I don't think this #choice makes them any less #valuable - remember that in NZ these are mostly #maori and #pacificislanders ...
I heard about this #protest going on up in #auckland #nz https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/weve-.. Apparently this #apostletamaki is a #religious chap pushing back on the #lockdowns they've been having. Bare in mind, on the #southisland , we are still in level 2, despite *zero cases* this entire time. The #government need to give people a path out of this madness.
Haha, it turns out that a #nz #council #meeting went #viral after people started using it to look busy to their family members: https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/4522.. Sounds like there could actually be an opportunity in inviting people to #fake #meetings ?
I suspect this will become more and more important in the future, knowing where items are #traded from: https://www.theguardian.com/news/2021/se.. For example, #chinese #beef being sold as #nz #beef - #chinese #kiwi pretending to be #nz #kiwi - it goes on. #wool , #cotton - anything that can be #faked *is* being faked. This is a massive problem.
Interesting, #amazon 's #aws is setting up a #region in #nz ! https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/in-the-.. I'm very interested to see what this means - I suspect there will be a bloody good reason for this.
Turns out a #family member has been in a #car #accident - potentially #brokenarm ... My only real wish whilst being out here in #nz is that my family would try not to bloody #injure themselves or #die whilst I'm away. Bloody hell.
This is fucked - #nz #arrests a person for " #smuggling " #kfc https://www.lotuseaters.com/new-zealand-.. Apparently the two men were #gang members and #drug #smugglers coming out of #auckland #quarantine to do a #drug run. Apparently they were *also* #covid #tested and found positive, but are not willing to reveal the names of their fellow gang members.
I think for this #article - #aardvark is being a little hysterical about #nz #covid cases: https://aardvark.co.nz/daily/2021/0920.s.. Checking the #data - the number of cases increased by literally a few people: https://www.worldometers.info/coronaviru.. This will likely be COVID spreading amongst people #quarantined in the same #household - not #community #spread ... #christmas is still on at this point, especially as #uv kills the #virus ...
Wow the #fanimatrix is now an 18 year old #torrent https://torrentfreak.com/the-worlds-olde.. It's a pretty good #fan made #shortfilm for the #matrix - made in #nz on a #budget of just $800 by some friends.
I think that #nz 's #electrical #supply is really on the brink - I often see the lights #flickering during high #demand times: https://aardvark.co.nz/daily/2021/0913.s.. Every Country will #struggle with #ev #chargers if a more intelligent #charging system is not put in place. The #random delays to #vehicle charging is just a plaster over what will soon turn into a disaster. This will only get worse with #renewable #energy being the predominant supply...
@barray on Fri Sep 03 11:59:07 UTC 2021 said: &eOne thing I will say about the #nz #auckland #terrorist #attack is that we are *not allowed* to point out is was a #muslim #islam attack. When the #christchurch #mosque attack happened, it was rightfully called a product of #farright #whitesupremacy #ideology . If we can not be #honest about the roots of problems, we cannot hope to overcome them. The #islamicstate is a growing concern and has been for years. I know for example there is a large #muslimbrotherhood group in #newzealand ...The #lotuseaters have caught up and covered the #nz #auckland #terrorist #attack https://www.lotuseaters.com/six-stabbed-.. I spoke to a #muslim friend today and they mentioned that they were not looking forward to the coming days where people are understandably upset and angry. So far checking up on friends in the area, #touchwood the people I know are okay.
The #lotuseaters have caught up and covered the #nz #auckland #terrorist #attack https://www.lotuseaters.com/six-stabbed-.. I spoke to a #muslim friend today and they mentioned that they were not looking forward to the coming days where people are understandably upset and angry. So far checking up on friends in the area, #touchwood the people I know are okay.