Very cool #opensource #mouse I've wanted for years: Kind of #expensive , but very cool!
A very interesting piece #terminal #gui #tui called #finalcut It apparently is written in #cpp and even supports #mouse #input ! Apparently it is even structured like the #qt #framework ... Really nice stuff!
Haha, my #computer #mouse just somehow #crashed ! Just as I was praising it just the other day! What the actual hell #tecknet !
Fun, a #computer #desktop #mouse that only works if you #download the #latest #driver for it: As #foone suggests, it's as if they are making these devices to become obsolete as soon as possible.
Ouch, a #razor #mouse essential provides a #backdoor into your #windows machine giving #system #privileges through a simple #rightclick #exploit What a time to be alive!
Great to see new ideas on the #mouse I really think the humble #computermouse is a place where #innovation is being begged for. Things I want to see are #displays , #gyro / #imu , removable #usb , #internal #sbc , #pressure #sensitivity , adjustable #weights - and much more. Add to this an #opensource model, then I think this could be a winner!
Cool #linux #utility to see the #battery level of a #mouse I wish it also worked for #bluetooth #headphones - but alas it does not. Still a *very* cool hack.