Looks like #microsoft #windows is now pushing 11, the #version that will see many existing #devices suddenly unable to operate: https://blogs.windows.com/windowsexperie.. Looking forward to the new #linux surge!
Ouch, #windows 11 apparently does not play well with 55% of #enterprise #workstations - and that does account for all the other #existing #machines too as #workplace machines don't tend to be older than 5 years: https://www.zdnet.com/article/windows-11.. It appears to me that #microsoft intend to #boost #sales of #hardware by rolling out this #incompatible version of new Windows, perhaps to buy the #surface #device ...
One of the best #hackernews #comments I've read in a while: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=287.. "Dear #microsoft , You fools, you own a gate to the #internet . When i search 8*9 in the start menu, show me the result of the multiplication instead of a link to "search web for 8*9"" - Insanely true.
This is seriously impressive, #microsoft #windows 95 in less than 5MB: http://web.archive.org/web/2009020905014.. I really miss the days where these things were possible. *This* is the Windows I liked back in the days, the new Windows is a shadow of its former self.
Interesting, so it seems as though #microsoft #windows 11 was built entirely around the requirements from #intel 's new #threadripper #ripoff https://www.anandtech.com/show/16881/a-d.. As per usual, they haven't been working so closely with #linux - so they will continue to lose out on a large #marketshare on #linux #servers ... Some people suggest this is a push towards keeping up with #apple 's M1 #cpu #performance ...
Ouch, #microsoft #vba can't even correctly evaluate #ifstatements https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6803.. It's insane this #bug even exists... This is why #opensource is so much better.
Looks like #reactos has made some strides on becoming a viable #microsoft #windows #xp #alternative https://hackaday.com/2021/08/08/reactos-.. I've been following the ReactOS project for a *very long time* - I may even have some of the original source code on a CD sitting in #storage !
And now we see #microsoft , #alphabet ( #google & #youtube ) , #facebook and #twitter working with the #un to classify #wrongthink - quite literally: https://www.reuters.com/technology/exclu.. People 'sympathising' with #whitesupremacy - with such groups as #proudboys will now be classed as #terrorists and banned from all platforms. So much for #freespeech ...
Interesting, #microsoft #windows #defender is marking a #keygen #software as #malicious https://www.arch13.com/ms-windows-defend.. More specifically it overrides any exclusion list and even deletes the #source code to the program! Seems the Windows #antivirus is actually enforcing #copyright - rather than protecting users from #threats of #viruses and the like.
Very very interesting, #microsoft now roll their own #linux for their #cloud #infrastructure https://github.com/microsoft/CBL-Mariner I really do love how it's easier for them to use #linux rather than adapt the #windows #ntkernel haha!
Interesting, the #us and #nato are calling out #china for the recent #cyberattack on the #microsoft #exchange #servers https://www.axios.com/china-cyberattacks.. Will be interesting to see how the #chinese respond to this.
A new #microsoft #linkedin #dataleak by #hackers https://restoreprivacy.com/linkedin-data.. Microsoft's #security is an absolute shit show. *They need to be fined for this.* This information *will* cost people their jobs, marriages, relationships with colleagues, etc. There is a very real cost to their lapse attitude to security.
Great point, the new #windows 11 #os is likely to create a large #ewaste #crisis in the middle of a #chipshortage https://hackaday.com/2021/06/29/the-grea.. #microsoft couldn't have picked a *worse* time to cause such a situation.
Apparently #windows 11 will *require* a #microsoft #account and #internet to even setup the machine: https://www.extremetech.com/computing/32.. I don't think they have even properly thought this out - most of the world still does not have a reliable internet connection...
Yeah... This latest update explains alot about why I'm leaving #ubuntu https://ubuntu.com//blog/design-and-web-.. #microsoft integration, pushing #snap harder, a #appstore and #marketplace - it just gets worse the more you look.
#microsoft have #signed multiple root kits: https://twitter.com/GossiTheDog/status/1.. This again is the problem with Microsoft being the gatekeepers of #windows #security ...