#uk 's ex- #speakerofthehouse #johnbercow is a bloody #traitor - something that was obvious at the time when he was #speaker ... Now he has fully switched to the #labour party and has asked for " #forgiveness ": https://www.lotuseaters.com/bercow-asks-.. Enjoy your new #comrades - the welcome party will soon be over and then they'll begin to eat you alive. You're #old , #white and #male - you are literally everything they hate.
@barray on Tue Sep 28 02:13:46 UTC 2021 said: &eThe #discussion by the #lotuseaters on the #labour #conference is pretty funny, but also incredibly sad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JvQ4aH8.. They are entirely #radicalised - and given half the #country back this #uk #party , it does lead one to think that #radicalisation is #rampant in #britain ...Absolutely incredible #youtube #clip by #lotuseaters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AqwkkWzJ.. All you have to do is let the #labour #party in the #uk talk, they #discredit themselves!
Absolutely incredible #youtube #clip by #lotuseaters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AqwkkWzJ.. All you have to do is let the #labour #party in the #uk talk, they #discredit themselves!
#kierstarmer is set to #publish a 14k word #essay to win back #labour #supporters https://www.lotuseaters.com/keir-starmer.. The #timing is very good, but their #hardcore #supporters want #magicgrandpa #corbyn back...
I've also seen a massive anti- #conservative pro- #labour movement on #socialmedia in the #uk https://www.lotuseaters.com/new-polling-.. People hate #taxes and seem to be under the impression that #kierstarmer can somehow make #debt go away and #money grow on trees...
Big ouch, the #labour party in the #uk is losing 250 members *per day* under #kierstarmer ! https://www.lotuseaters.com/uk-labour-pa.. Apparently they have lost 120k paying members so far. That must hurt a lot.
I hear that the #uk 's #labour #mp #jessphillips has lost 3 stone over the #covid #lockdown due to a #keto #diet https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jess_Phill.. Good on her! We need more #ketochads out there. I'm reading nothing but positive benefits from the keto diet, and mostly feel those too. It has been tough so far, but the benefits for sure outweigh the negatives of being #overweight ... I hope that the next time I see my family I will be in good health.
Damn, #labour just about skimmed a #victory in #natleyandspen https://www.lotuseaters.com/labour-party.. Of the 37,786 votes, Labour won by just 323 votes! I'm sure Labour will learn from this and not become more radical... Haha
Much to the 'surprise' of everybody, #johnbercow has defected from the #conservatives to #labour https://youtube.com/watch?v=FTX1OCXj_tg This was writing on the wall...
#labour must be *really* desperate, they have brought back in #tonyblair and are looking to make a #leftwing #pact https://youtube.com/watch?v=X8TCQ_HqrOc This would consist of #labour #snp #libdems and friends. Incredible...
It's all a bit upside down when #labour are the party pushing for the right of #privacy in the #uk https://www.theregister.com/2021/06/07/g.. I think the #nhs and #conservatives really dropped the ball on this one.