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@barray on Sat Aug 05 21:10:40 UTC 2023 said: &e
#espresso #coffee can apaprently #mitigate #alzheimer #tau #protein https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.jaf.. This just backs up the idea that I need to #drink more #coffee !
@barray on Thu Aug 11 10:09:46 UTC 2022 said: &e
A great list of #science and #technology #links https://lemire.me/blog/2022/08/07/scienc.. Notably, #alzheimer #research on the #amyloid #hypothesis was #fabricated . #depression was supposed to be low #serotonin - but this is #false . Due to #carbondioxide abundance, the #earth is getting #greener and will likely lead to #substantial #cooling .