Coffee Space


Xmas Wishlist Milestone

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It’s now 2021 and this is a half-way point follow-up on the Christmas wishlist I made before the holiday period, where I made a ridiculously ambitious list of tasks to get done in a small amount of time.

Below is the list with check marks for the tasks completed. An X indicates the task is completed, a ~ indicates that it’s partially completed and a blank indicates it has not yet been started.

My feeling so far is that this watch took a lot more effort to develop than I originally anticipated - I’m having to rapidly learn and RTOS, microprocessor libraries, etc, all without the help of debugging. I will now have to switch over to the academic tasks to get these completed though.

As you can already see, the number of days I want to get completed in the month already exceed the amount of time I have, so let’s see… I want to get 57 days worth of stuff done in 30 days!

Stretch and reach:

Much less important: