Coffee Space


Nginx Log Parse

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I use a custom script to pull my nginx logs, manipulate them and then graph the results for the website. It is responsible for a few tasks:

  1. Backup Dead Social - Make a clone of Dead Social files 1.
  2. Get Logs - Copy the logs from the server via scp.
  3. Merge Logs - Merge the logs into a single file to be processed.
  4. Make Logs Unique - Remove non-unique log entries.
  5. Abstract Log Data - Abstract data of interest, ready for graphing.
  6. Create Access Graph - Generate the first graph.
  7. Create Location Graph - Generate the second graph.
  8. Clean-up Temporary Files - Remove the temporary files we made along the way.
  9. Display Nginx Data - Use an old nginx-parser program to process and visualise the logs.

This system has been getting slower over the years, to the point where it now takes the best part of a day to process the logs. This both uses significant system resources and means that I cannot access important data for quite some time.

How large is the data?

0001 $ ls -lh storage.txt
0002 1.5G storage.txt
0003 $ wc -l storage.txt
0004 7100816 storage.txt

1.5 GB and 7 million entries being processed by an old bash script. Yikes. Time to do some debugging.

Old Processing

The first task was to add some timing code:

0005 # Time variables
0006 time_beg=0
0007 time_end=0
0008 time_run=0
0010 # time_start()
0011 #
0012 # Begin timing.
0013 function time_start {
0014   time_beg=$(date +%s.%N)
0015   time_end=$time_beg
0016   time_run=0
0017 }
0019 # time_start()
0020 #
0021 # Begin timing.
0022 function time_stop {
0023   time_end=$(date +%s.%N)
0024   time_run=$(echo "$time_end - $time_beg" | bc -l)
0025   echo "$time_run"
0026 }

Now knowing how long one or more items takes to process is as simple as:

0027 time_start
0028 task_to_run
0029 time_diff="$(time_stop)"

I wrapped the main functions and timed how long they take:

Action Time (s)
backup_dead_rt 187.880756921
logs_get_rt 186.920260098
logs_append_rt 30.295236661
logs_unique_rt 146.004416903
logs_abstract_rt 16861.844717878
logs_process_rt 15.110010662
plot_access_rt .256452260
plot_location_rt .134897756
logs_clean_rt .325774132
nginx_parser_rt 18131.561209403

“nginx_parser_rt” is interactive and just represents how long I left the computer to sit there in the background. “logs_abstract_rt” represents 4.7 hours of straight processing. Oufe.

Re-Write Processing

The old processing code was as follows:

0030 while read p; do
0031   IFS=' ' read -r -a cols <<< "$p"
0032   ip="${cols[0]}"
0033   country="$(geoiplookup $ip | cut -d " " -f 4)"
0034   country=${country::-1}
0035   timestamp="${cols[3]:1}"
0036   date="${cols[3]:1:-9}"
0037   time="${cols[3]:13}"
0038   method="${cols[5]:1}"
0039   path="${cols[6]}"
0040   response="${cols[8]}"
0041   echo "$date" >> out-date.txt
0042   echo "$country" >> out-ip.txt
0043 done <storage.txt

Line by line, we process each of the columns and pull out the important data. My thinking was that we may be paying for double-handling data, so I re-write this to the follows:

0044 # Clean data
0045 while IFS=' ', read ip z0 z1 timestamp zone method path type response size; do
0046   country="$(geoiplookup $ip | cut -d " " -f 4)"
0047   country=${country::-1}
0048   timestamp="${timestamp:1}"
0049   date="${timestamp::-9}"
0050   time="${timestamp:13}"
0051    zone="${zone::-1}"
0052    method="${method:1}"
0053    type="${type::-1}"
0054   echo "$date" >> out-date.txt
0055   echo "$country" >> out-ip.txt
0056 done <storage.txt

And the results of that is as follows:

Action Time (s)
backup_dead_rt 168.895424672
logs_get_rt 205.790856856
logs_append_rt 26.603748814
logs_unique_rt 130.087103720
logs_abstract_rt 14435.241596371
logs_process_rt 11.781440252
plot_access_rt .175404852
plot_location_rt .114184411
logs_clean_rt .355445442
nginx_parser_rt 24555.858216634

It helped a little, but clearly we have to get a little more creative here…

C Implementation

I suspected I’m mostly getting screwed by the geoiplookup command, that loads a database of a few MB and then looks up the full locations details, which I then have to filter out.

A better system is to load the database (of just a few MB) into RAM and then keep performing the searches against this for only the Country code. Additionally if we process the all of the logs in C++ we further save time.

I decided to use the maxmind’s geoip-api-c, which up until now, has worked great.

0057 //#define GEOIPDATADIR "geoip-api-c/data/"
0058 #define GEOIPDATADIR "/usr/share/GeoIP/"
0059 #define PACKAGE_VERSION "1.6.12"

If you try to use the database yourself, you will likely need to declare these variables. I had no end of trouble trying to link to the development library and I suspect it is broken since quite a while. It was much easier to directly include the files.

Note that the value for GEOIPDATADIR if for my system, which I found through man geoiplookup. On Linux the location appears to be: /usr/share/GeoIP/. Technically there is a file in the repository at geoip-api-c/data/ - but this did not work for me and was far too small. There is an update tool, but this requires you to register 2.

0060 #include "geoip-api-c/libGeoIP/GeoIP_deprecated.c"
0061 #include "geoip-api-c/libGeoIP/GeoIP.c"
0062 #include "geoip-api-c/libGeoIP/GeoIPCity.c"

One little trap here is not including GeoIP_deprecated.c.

0063 #include <stdarg.h>
0064 #include <stdbool.h>
0065 #include <stdio.h>
0066 #include <sys/time.h>
0068 #define PARSER_VERSION "0.0.1"
0069 #define PARSER_LINE_LEN (256 * 256)

We might need a larger line length if we expect to have someone significantly testing our server. Most servers and browsers will allow URLs of 65k. In theory, each of those fields could be significantly large and this would cause issues with our parser.

0070 /* Source: */
0071 int64_t currentTimeMillis(){
0072   struct timeval time;
0073   gettimeofday(&time, NULL);
0074   int64_t s1 = (int64_t)(time.tv_sec) * 1000;
0075   int64_t s2 = time.tv_usec / 1000;
0076   return s1 + s2;
0077 }

Some timing code that repeatedly proves to be useful.

0078 int flog(const char* format, ...){
0079   va_list args;
0080   va_start(args, format);
0081   fprintf(stderr, "[%li] ", currentTimeMillis());
0082   vfprintf(stderr, format, args);
0083   fprintf(stderr, "\n");
0084   va_end(args);
0085 }

Nice little wrapper around printf() to allow me to automatically add a timestamp to the front of logs.

0086 /**
0087  * process()
0088  *
0089  * Process the logs.
0090  *
0091  * @param raw The raw nginx logs.
0092  * @param date The location of the date file.
0093  * @param date The location of the location file.
0094  **/
0095 void process(char* raw, char* date, char* loc){
0096   /* Setup buffers */
0097   char buff[PARSER_LINE_LEN + 1];
0098   /* Setup files */
0099   FILE* fraw = raw != NULL ? fopen(raw, "r") : NULL;
0100   FILE* fdate = date != NULL ? fopen(date, "a") : NULL;
0101   FILE* floc = loc != NULL ? fopen(loc, "a") : NULL;
0102   if(fraw == NULL){
0103     flog("Could not open '%s' for parsing", raw);
0104     return;
0105   }
0106   /* Setup GeoIp */
0108   /* Loop over the file */
0109   while(fgets(buff, PARSER_LINE_LEN, fraw)){
0110     int x = 0;
0111     char* ip = NULL;
0112     char* date = NULL;
0113     char* time = NULL;
0114     char* path = NULL;
0115     char* t = strtok(buff, " ");
0116     while(t != NULL){
0117       switch(x++){
0118         case 0 :
0119           ip = t;
0120           break;
0121         case 1 :
0122         case 2 :
0123           /* Do nothing */
0124           break;
0125         case 3 :
0126           date = t + 1;
0127           t[12] = '\0';
0128           time = t + 13;
0129           break;
0130         case 4 :
0131         case 5 :
0132           /* Do nothing */
0133           break;
0134         case 6 :
0135           path = t;
0136           break;
0137         default :
0138           /* No more of interest, quit early */
0139           t = NULL;
0140           break;
0141       }
0142       /* Check if we can stop tokenizing early */
0143       if(t == NULL){
0144         break;
0145       }else{
0146         t = strtok(NULL, " ");
0147       }
0148     }
0149     if(ip != NULL && floc != NULL){
0150       char* code = GeoIP_country_code_by_addr(gi, ip);
0151       fprintf(floc, "%s\n", code);
0152     }
0153     if(date != NULL && fdate != NULL){
0154       fprintf(fdate, "%s\n", date);
0155     }
0156   }
0157 }

A few tricks going on here. Firstly note the use of the strtok() function that creates tokenized strings in-place. The second trick is that we only grab the interesting data and we drop everything else as soon as possible. We try not to waste cycles processing data we have no plan to use.

0158 /**
0159  * help()
0160  *
0161  * Display program help.
0162  *
0163  * @param argc Number of arguments.
0164  * @param argv Pointer to the arguments.
0165  * @param x The current offset into the arguments.
0166  * @return The new offset into the arguments.
0167  **/
0168 int help(int argc, char** argv, int x){
0169   flog("./parser [OPT]");
0170   flog("");
0171   flog("  OPTions");
0172   flog("");
0173   flog("    -d  Append data to a date file");
0174   flog("          <STR> Location of date file");
0175   flog("    -h  Display this help and quit");
0176   flog("    -l  Append data to a location file");
0177   flog("          <STR> Location of location file");
0178   flog("    -r  The raw nginx logs to be read");
0179   flog("          <STR> Location of nginx logs");
0180   flog("    -v  Display version information");
0181   return x;
0182 }
0184 /**
0185  * main()
0186  *
0187  * Process the command line arguments.
0188  *
0189  * @param argc The number of arguments provided.
0190  * @param argv The arguments provided.
0191  * @return The exit status of the program.
0192  **/
0193 int main(int argc, char** argv){
0194   static char* raw = NULL;
0195   static char* date = NULL;
0196   static char* loc = NULL;
0197   for(int x = 0; x < argc; x++){
0198     if(argv[x][0] == '-'){
0199       switch(argv[x][1]){
0200         case 'd' :
0201           date = argv[++x];
0202           break;
0203         case 'h' :
0204           x = help(argc, argv, x);
0205           return EXIT_SUCCESS;
0206         case 'l' :
0207           loc = argv[++x];
0208           break;
0209         case 'r' :
0210           raw = argv[++x];
0211           break;
0212         case 'v' :
0213           flog("Version: %s", PARSER_VERSION);
0214           break;
0215         default :
0216           flog("Unknown option '%s'", argv[x]);
0217           break;
0218       }
0219     }else{
0220       flog("Unknown parameter '%s'", argv[x]);
0221     }
0222   }
0223   if(raw != NULL){
0224     process(raw, date, loc);
0225   }else{
0226     flog("Require raw logs to be processed");
0227     return EXIT_FAILURE;
0228   }
0229   return EXIT_SUCCESS;
0230 }

The result?

Action Time (s)
backup_dead_rt 154.661541988
logs_get_rt 267.600526311
logs_append_rt 30.361294628
logs_unique_rt 126.968953909
logs_abstract_rt 44.061660188
logs_process_rt 11.607090069
plot_access_rt .494797933
plot_location_rt .318292984
logs_clean_rt .562272088
nginx_parser_rt 8559.049334771

A 383x speed-up (or 38,268% speed-up) - not bad at all!


Encase you are wondering, this is the current server statistics:

Larger version
Larger version

The reason I needed to have this better processed is that my server now hosts static files for another business and I need to ensure the server resources stand up well. If I suddenly start seeing significant increases in traffic I may consider upgrading the server to accommodate.

  1. This is a really terrible system and needs to be fixed in the future.↩︎

  2. It would be good to know what the Linux version of the GeoIP data comes from and how to keep it up to date.↩︎