Man, I would love to #create a #pcb #motor - they seem pretty awesome! One of these days! Another thing is #pcb -based #logic ... By my estimations it could be possible to build very simple #transistors !
*Exceptional* - a #hobbyist has been working on building their own #silicon #lab and making #transistors ! Insanely cool progress!
#intel is talking about 3nm #cpu #transistors and they haven't yet cracked 7nm They are being very ambitious for sure.
#aardvark raises a thought provoking point when roughly comparing #neurons and #transistors As I've discussed with people before, there's a good chance we have enough computation now, we just need the right algorithms. I think we need to re-think AI structures, etc, but I think we could get close to something human-like with what we have - or at least have a very good idea of what we are missing.