Interesting #concept for a #cigarette making #machine Of course, we have since a very long time had a #tin that could make near perfect #cigarettes one at a time: Not that I encourage #smoking , but the machine seems #overengineered .
#nz removing the right for people to make bad #decisions by imposing a #lifetime #ban for #smoking on all persons younger than 14: What happened to no #parliament can #bind a #future #government ? And what ever happened to #freedom of #choice ?
#aardvark raises a great point about the #mortality of #covid in #nz versus the #deaths caused by #smoking I don't think it's an #underreaction to #smoke related #deaths - but an #overreaction to #covid ... I certainly don't quite agree with #aardvark on his #covid stance, but equally he's many more times more likely to #die from it than I am, and who knows how I would (or will) be like in his shoes.