I'm not sure if this says more about #php or more about #malicious actors: https://waritschlager.de/sqlinjections-i.. Almost half of the #google results contain a #sqlinjection #vulnerability ... In general, *always* assume all #userinput is complete garbage and cannot be trusted.
And this again outlines why I don't want a #os from the likes of #google on my #laptop https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2021/07/.. Whilst this could happen on an #opensource #os like #linux (which #chromeos is based on) - the idea is that Linux undergoes a better review process and gets a staggered release of the #kernel as different #distributions pull in the latest changes.
These #honeypot devices created by the #fbi are pretty cool: https://www.vice.com/en/article/n7b4gg/a.. Apparently they would boot #arcaneos on the #google #pixel 4a and used some obscurity to get into the 'encrypted' messageing app.
Yeah... A #comic series aimed at #google employees is mostly #sjw material... Figures: https://goomics.net/ If this comic is an accurate reflection of culture over time, it seems like something that has recently infected Google, rather than being there the entire time.
Hah, #google 's own #webpages don't pass its new #lighthouse performance test: https://old.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful.. I suspect their own websites will get a sneaky exception though... So essentially this is just about forcing other people's websites to slim down.
Awesome, a new #vector format from #google that seems to offer about 4x savings over #svg https://github.com/google/iconvg
#google and #apple are only opting out of #facebook 's advertising efforts because it doesn't benefit them - in fact it's a direct competitor to their own products: https://thebigtech.substack.com/p/google.. When it comes to large tech companies, *always* assume the worst, despite what they say.
And so they began to eat themselves: https://www.lotuseaters.com/google-diver.. #google have fired their #diversity executive for #antisemitism - who would have thought it... It's as if the #leftwing are extremely anti-Israel, which could itself stem from #marxist teachings about the #jewquestion
#huawei copy and pasted #google 's #android - then claimed: "Huawei denied speculations that HarmonyOS is a derivative of Android and said no single line of code is identical to that of Android. A spokesperson for Huawei declined to say whether the operating system is based on #Linux, the kernel that powers Android." https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2021/06/.. Fun!
Probably one of the largest misconceptions about large tech companies is that they are an entity with #ethics https://aardvark.co.nz/daily/2021/0527.s.. #google as a company doesn't have #morality - it's literally against their best interests to do so. They only sell the perception that they do.
@barray on Thu May 27 02:03:20 UTC 2021 said: &eAnd apparently the #belarus government has been doing #forcedconfessions on #youtube ads: https://twitter.com/TadeuszGiczan/status.. Apparently #google doesn't see an issue with this! What a time to be alive!I saw this happening just the other day as the news was breaking, as a flight was hijacked by #belarus to arrest an opposition journalist: https://www.lotuseaters.com/belarus-hija.. Since then a bunch of politicians have come out and warned of 'consequences', but we'll see about what actually materializes from this.