I do not agree with the direction the #uk is travelling in with regards to #freedomofexpression and #freedomofspeech https://www.zerohedge.com/political/uk-m.. Apparently this #mother was #arrested for #memes on #kiwifarms and had her #home broken into by #police for a #thoughtcrime . No #ideology is greater than your ability to #criticize it.
Looking forward to getting a #uk #billofrights as a new #constitution to #protect #freespeech https://youtube.com/watch?v=AmXt7upb8dI #british people already #believe they have these rights, rather than the watered down #freedomofexpression they actually have.
The #uk #government are completely out of touch: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions.. The #request is " #repeal Section 127 of the #communicationsact 2003". The response: "We are committed to making the UK the #safestplace to be #online while upholding rights to #freedomofexpression ." - the wrong #response . It's like they used it as an #opportunity to #respond to a #petition they wish they had been asked.