" #islam is one of the most #peaceful #religions in the world". Meanwhile in #iran , they just #sentenced a #women to #death for the way she was dressed: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/i.. Apparently, this is to #protect #women . Madness.
Looking forward to getting a #uk #billofrights as a new #constitution to #protect #freespeech https://youtube.com/watch?v=AmXt7upb8dI #british people already #believe they have these rights, rather than the watered down #freedomofexpression they actually have.
#argentina #export #ban #soy in an effort to #protect their #citizens from #food #insecurity https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/ar.. Things are about to get pretty bad...
It's funny how #us #portland #oregon still actively harbour and #protect #farleft #antifa #terrorists who actively attack their own #police - whilst working with the #mainstream #media to attack the #rightwing #protestors that want to see #lawandorder upheld: https://www.lotuseaters.com/antifa-and-p.. Portland is now pretty high on my list of #shithole locations never to visit - I hear that they are also suffering a mass #exodus too.