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@barray on Sat Dec 03 02:57:23 UTC 2022 said: &e
And this is why I prefer #lowtech #solutions to #editing #code - #vscode had a #remote #code #execution ( #rce ) #bug https://github.com/google/security-resea.. Somebody could literally #hack you because your #ide was trying to be too smart.
@barray on Fri Nov 11 00:44:31 UTC 2022 said: &e
#xterm allows for #code #execution via the #font ? https://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-secur.. It does #require #vim and #zsh to #exploit , but these are #popular #combinations these days! #debian actually #detected this all the way back in 2008! https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugrepor..
@barray on Sun Dec 12 22:27:20 UTC 2021 said: &e
Just finished watching an #anime called #bloodivores - not sure what to make of it. The #idea is good, the #execution is not so bad, the #artwork is nice, but the #story itself feels #chaotic ... Maybe the next #part or #season will be better?
@barray on Thu Sep 09 13:15:19 UTC 2021 said: &e
A pretty bad #exploit for #vector #graphics #conversion #library #ghostscript - ouch! https://therecord.media/ghostscript-zero.. #remotecode #execution is quite a serious #bug ...