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@barray on Tue Aug 03 22:21:31 UTC 2021 said: &e
@barray on Tue Aug 03 05:47:01 UTC 2021 said: &e
#akregator is now at *1.3GB* of #ram ... For all that RAM use it's not even that fast... Bare in mind that its only real job is to fetch an #xml #rss #feed - it doesn't even recover from #reboot very well either (feeds are forgotten). It's impressive that for what should be a simple program, it actually isn't. I'll keep an eye on it... I legitimately could do a better job than this.
#akregator is now at *1.6GB* - bare in mind this is just an #rss #feed #reader ! Either it is trying to store *all* content in #ram - or there is a #memoryleak ... I really suspect this is what caused my #laptop to #crash just the other day. I'll attempt to contact them on #irc - but not holding my breath.