Great #discussion on #podcast of the #lotuseaters regarding it being good #news that everybody is getting the less #deadly #omicron #covid #variant Apparently 95% of all people in the #uk now have some form of #natural #immunity - time to open up.
@barray on Wed Dec 08 13:55:59 UTC 2021 said: &e#vaccine #mandates in #germany Looks like Germany has fallen as the #lotuseaters #article suggests. Damn. This #omicron #covid #variant appears to have just #fastracked #plans already in place. There is still zero #evidence that it is anything to even be worried about.Looks like #christmas might be #cancelled in the #uk now... I might not have missed much anyway: #covid #vaccine #passports , #quarantines , #lockdowns , #bubbles - fun fun. Damn.
Looks like #christmas might be #cancelled in the #uk now... I might not have missed much anyway: #covid #vaccine #passports , #quarantines , #lockdowns , #bubbles - fun fun. Damn.
And so the #french have fallen, now checking for #covid #vaccine #passport #papers This will soon be everywhere, including #nz ... Fucking insane. They *all* #promised this would *not* happen. "2 weeks to flatten the curve" #boris said, "protect the #nhs " he said. And yet, all over the world, the #vaccinated *still* #spread the #ccp #virus ...
#spain has just #discovered that #restricting people's #freedom has *zero* #impact on the #spread of #covid Apparently it is even worse - that a #vaccine #passport convinces people that they are actually #safe - and therefore don't need to be careful! *Fuck these #politicians making #decisions they do not understand.*
The #who so far are reporting #zero #omicron #covid #deaths and it appears to have easily beaten out the #delta #variant Sounds like to me that we now have the *real* #vaccine - a #dominant non- #deadly #strain ! Perfect. #infect everybody with this once it is #confirmed !
#greece is the first #country to start #fining the #elderly every #month for not getting a #covid #vaccine They have #branded it as a " #health #fee " - madness.
This #meme really wraps up the current state of affairs: What a joke this new #omicron #covid #variant is... Just an excuse for what was already planned.
#eu #countries now looking to #enforce #covid #vaccine #mandates and #fines on all people who #refuse to have them: The #uk will now " #prioritise " #vaccination at #gp #clinics over actually helping people. This was *exactly* what we were told would *not* happen. This is actually fucking ridiculous. I don't think we've seen such a clear erosion of #freedom on the #global stage since the #nazis ...
The new #omicron #covid #variant may end up being more #lethal that #delta - it certainly seems to have a greater #spread rate: Not good.
Wow, the #uk 's #ons have been called out on #misleading #statistics It's not even the first time they have been called out for such #misinformation regarding #covid ...
Weeeeeiiiirdddd, the #who skipped naming the new #covid #variant #xi for no reason in particular: I bet there was zero pressure from #china 's #ccp for #politics or anything!
Latest #update on the #omicron #covid #variant from the #who - they know nothing: I am hearing through other channels that it is at least less #deadly Apparently the number of #mutations has essentially #crippled this #variant - but we'll see.
@barray on Sat Nov 27 04:56:45 UTC 2021 said: &eThis new #omicron #covid #variant has now caused mass #lockdowns all around the world: Seems like they are detecting new cases all over, this amount of #mutation was supposed to be *impossible* - and yet, here we are. The working #theory is that it #evolved in an #immune #compromised person - but there is no #evidence for that. The only plus side is that a #pcr test detects it. Fingers crossed no increased #death rate.New #covid #variant incoming, which looks like it will be named " #omicron " and " nu " is too confusing: https://yourlocalepidemiologist.substack.. It is a *massive* #mutation from anything we have previously seen, we are now dealing with something completely unknown. It's already being picked up all around the world now too. Fingers crossed it is not more #deadly ... But we'll see...
People #generating their own #covid #certificate #passes #passports due to bad #security practices: And this is why I *don't* personally #trust these #covid #apps , etc. They simply don't know what they are doing.
New #covid #variant incoming, which looks like it will be named " #omicron " and " nu " is too confusing: https://yourlocalepidemiologist.substack.. It is a *massive* #mutation from anything we have previously seen, we are now dealing with something completely unknown. It's already being picked up all around the world now too. Fingers crossed it is not more #deadly ... But we'll see...