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@barray on Mon Sep 20 19:25:06 UTC 2021 said: &e
I'm starting to think my #ubuntu install is now just completely fucked... I've got some pretty bad #ram #leaks going on and things are working less and less efficiently. #akregator and #thunderbird continue to behave screwy. This machine desperately needs to be replaced. I need to get on with developing the #chunkboipro
@barray on Sun Aug 01 00:37:07 UTC 2021 said: &e
#laptop #dailydriver crashed earlier *doing nothing* - it's really in trouble now. I need to hurry up and build the #chunkboipro relief machine, this one really has numbered days now!
@barray on Sat Jul 31 18:06:39 UTC 2021 said: &e
First part of the #chunkboipro arrived yesterday, unfortunately it was just a USB 3.0 extension cable. These will be required to get the #usb ports out towards the side of the laptop, or route #laptop internals around. Fingers crossed more parts arrive soon.
@barray on Mon Jul 19 05:18:00 UTC 2021 said: &e
The latest #coffeespace #article on the #chunkboipro has received quite a bit of attention: https://coffeespace.org.uk/projects/chun.. #feedback so far has been moistly positive, with concerns generally centred around the resulting thickness and how the #magnets may affect parts. Hopefully some parts will arrive over the next few weeks and the experiments can begin.
@barray on Sat Jul 17 11:26:26 UTC 2021 said: &e
This #keyboard #pcb #generator is very cool and I very seriously considered using it: https://hackaday.com/2021/07/12/3d-print.. I did choose to buy one in the end though, building a custom keyboard *and* #laptop seems far too ambitious! The #chunkboipro will sport an SK61 optical switch #mechanical #keyboard: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/10050019..