Coffee Space





Done? Est Act Task
[x] 60m 60m Prepare main meal
[x] 60m 60m Morning wash
[x] 120m 120m Check RSS feeds
[x] 20m 20m Daily brief
[x] 60m 60m Make Met card for travel
[ ] 30m Backup drives
[ ] 60m Create visa cover letter
[ ] 60m Print copy of passport documents
[ ] 60m Get Justice of the Peace to sign off copy
[ ] 60m Send visa letter to proper address
[ ] 60m PhD: Make final changes to journal
[ ] 60m PhD: Submit final version of journal
[ ] 120m PhD: Prepare plan
[ ] 60m HITL: Communications
[ ] 240m HITL: Review journal paper
[ ] 240m CS: Keto update article
[x] 240m 240m CS: JSON complaints
[ ] 60m CS: Add read time to articles
[ ] 30m CS: Update book reading list
[ ] 240m CS: Review NZ traffic light system
[ ] 30m RC: Newsletter
[ ] 30m RC: Rest of year plan
[ ] 30m Purchase new phone battery
[ ] 30m Pay rent
[ ] 30m Read postcard from friend
[ ] 30m Type postcard response
[x] 60m 120m Short shopping trip
2180m 680m Totals

