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Global Terrorism Index 2022

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In this article I will discuss the recently published Global Terrorism Index 2022 (archive here), published by the Institute for Economics & Peace, which appears to be highly well regarded. I will look through the document section by section and pick out key-highlights that interest me. The document is 99 pages, so I will not be covering every word of the report, merely the interesting parts.

It’s also worth noting that many other reports also exist. I think these guys have probably really dropped the ball on economics though, given how absolutely screwed the current system is, and the collapse we are about to see.


I was inspired to look at this report after watching a Youtube clip by the Louts Eaters. I am of course not happy just accepting their review of the report given they openly have a political bias, so I decided to read it myself.

Terrorism in general is a great overview of local social cohesion. People who are deeply dissatisfied or disconnected from society are more likely to commit an act of terrorism. Polls are somewhat useful, but nothing speaks greater than those who act on their words and ideas.

Of particular interest to me is how the last 10 years of importing some 1 million people per year into the UK has affected our social cohesion. I have some idea how I feel about this, but it is much better if we can reference statistics and back this with numbers, rather than feelings.

Slightly out of scope: Of potential interest too is if any Country with high migration has low amounts of terrorism, and what the UK may learn about their models. That of course doesn’t mean we want to adopt their models, but we should at least have an understanding of them.

It brings me no pleasure having to look through such reports, if anything I am quite likely to annoy somebody to the point where they look to take action against me. That said, I believe if there is any value left in Western society, we need to ability to look inward deeply and honestly, to ask those questions we don’t want to ask. Come what may.

The Impact of Terrorism (Globally)

Firstly, let us look at the global terrorism index:

Page 10

Note: I am ignoring the other Countries on page 11. These are likely un-reporting, for example it is known that many African villages face acts of terrorism that go unreported due to their inability to record such events. Bare in mind also that some of these Countries have been under heavy pressure since the pandemic.

Here we have our first clue about whom is heavily involved in terrorism. The very high and high ranked Countries are heavily populated by Islamic Countries. Medium rankers appear to be highly immigrated locations, which includes the UK. low and very low appear to be populated with lesser migrated locations, which includes some very economically challenged Countries, geographically isolated Countries and politically isolated Countries.

For the UK, given the current state of ongoing unrest in France, somehow sits higher than France. We find ourselves in the middle of Israel and Palestine, two Countries that are openly having conflicts across their border regularly.

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As we can see, from at least 2007 onwards Islamic terrorism has dominated global terrorism. People who refer to it as “the religion of peace” are simply dishonest and lying. It is extremely clear that Islam is responsible for a high percentage of terrorism.

Western Terrorism

Firstly, on page 34 I quite agree with their Definition of the West consisting of: Andorra, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States of America, Vatican City and Western Germany (1970-1990). Given Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, I suspect this will soon include Poland too.

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I want for a moment to forget religion (i.e. Islamic terrorism) and instead take a look at right vs left wing terrorism. One thing we should note is that there is a lot of overlap between religion and right-wing as right-wing people tend to be conservative, traditionalist and religious.

By their definition, more deaths appear to be caused by right-wing ideology than left-wing ideology. What is more interesting is that in the second graph, left-wing attacks since 2016 have massively grown, with right-wing attacks almost at zero. If you have been following the news, you may think the opposite is actually true. Their data in the report supports that right-wing terrorism is usually committed against people, whereas left-wing terrorism is typically committed against organizations and infrastructure.

Note: It’s shame that the deaths are collated from 2007-2021, I really suspect this has since shifted to be more left-wing biased after 2016.

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It is simply a fact that “since 2007, more attacks have been attributed to far-left groups than far-right groups in the west”. You are more likely to be attacked by a Communist than a Nazi. This really undermines Antifa’s stance, and clearly removes any mandate they believe they have to commit violence.

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I mentioned Antifa on purpose, as they specifically have been very active for a long time now and call themselves “unorganized” anarchists, whilst somehow all arriving to the same place at the same time, to do the same thing. I imagine in here they don’t even consider BLM to be left-wing, despite the ‘leaders’ (who ran off with the money) claiming to be “Marxist trained”.

Anyway, I thought that the report highlights some very interesting information that is clearly not what is being told by the Western mainstream media, that want you to believe that the biggest threat to you is a right-wing Nazis attacking minorities - it’s just simply not true. The numbers do not lie.