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@barray on Sat Jun 25 22:11:48 UTC 2022 said: &e
@barray on Sat Jun 25 17:27:01 UTC 2022 said: &e
Interesting that the #us #supremecourt have #overturned #roevwade , allowing individual #state to #ban #abortion https://apnews.com/article/abortion-supr.. With some luck it will mean #florida and #texas stop being #overrun by #democrats fleeing the crap they have helped make.
#roevwade has claimed another #victim - this time it is #rachelbythebay http://rachelbythebay.com/w/2022/06/25/q.. Apparently because #states in the #us now have the ability to choose their own #laws on #abortion , that #women have now been reduced to being nothing but #meat .
@barray on Thu Apr 28 09:16:18 UTC 2022 said: &e
Pretty interesting #software #bug found by #rachelbythebay that takes an entire #week to #reproduce ! http://rachelbythebay.com/w/2022/04/20/r.. Those will be the ones that bite you!
@barray on Sun Aug 29 10:20:16 UTC 2021 said: &e
Certainly been there with what #rachelbythebay describes: https://rachelbythebay.com/w/2021/08/28/.. Something small can sometimes turn into *months* ... As my manager hinted at me: "It's better to just do it and apologise later rather than ask for permission!". Too true.
@barray on Thu May 27 02:37:17 UTC 2021 said: &e
Interesting take by #rachelbythebay on running #irc servers: http://rachelbythebay.com/w/2021/05/26/i.. Apparently you should either run them or use them, not both. I run a game server I sometimes play in and can for sure understand the want to perform prideful stupidity. Maybe when I was younger I would have done this, but for now my moderation process is essentially to allow most things unless it effects other players. I assume this is a good policy for IRC servers too.