Weird how #anthonyfauci only has enough time for #limited #questions and his #memeory is really bad on really important topics: It's as if... He is covering something up. He should very much be #prepared to #answer #questions on the #origin of #covid . His silence speaks volumes.
Definitely want to watch the #movie #whatisawoman It asks some *very* #important #questions .
Don't see much #discussion in the #news #media about #detransday - it's as if it somewhat #questions an #ideology #cult I think it's a subject that *very much* needs discussion.
A genuinely interesting #discussion on #jordanpeterson 's #podcast about #public #infrastructure I think the #guest didn't quite answer all of the #questions but #peterson did a great job of keeping things moving. It's really something when the #central #government is #failing on #messaging to #local #government - especially on #longterm #infrastructure #investment ... Also interesting to hear how the #covid #pandemic #lockdown has #impacted these projects.
#us #president #presssecretary #psaki admits to kicking out #journalists because they were about to ask non- #approved #questions - how dare they! The #press was almost free to do its job! The #biden situation is absolutely insane...