The #president of the #eu #vonderleyen is " #considering " #mandatory #vaccinations across the entire #continent As I said previously, #nz are already implementing this by creating a #covid #vaccine #passport - essentially removing any kind of #choice . *Once these #powers are given they will be hard to take away.* #freedom is *very* difficult to win back.
Apparently the #cop 26 #president wants #china and #india to #justify their watering down of language regarding #coal #goals Here's the thing: If #climatechange *is actually* the #extinction level event that people keep telling us, and these #countries are standing in the way, then eventually they will be forced to go to #war . It's as simple as that.
@barray on Thu Nov 11 00:18:22 UTC 2021 said: &eAgain, more dangerous ideas being exercised by #us #president #biden and his #administration Previously a former President was not hounded whilst out of power - only #dictatorships and #coups do this. Good luck in 2024 #brandon ... I want to see more about this #diary and #laptop ...#us 's #pelosi of the #democrats is off her rocker: She wants a #criminal #investigation over a #meme . As #commenters point out, nobody #complained when #kathygriffin held up a #replica of #trump 's #severedhead ... Rules for he, not for me!
They you have it, #china 's #xijinping has now passed into #chinese #law that he is #president of the #ccp for life: So, can we call #ryan a #dictator yet? And if so, what does that make #china 's #government ? Do we #officially #recognize them as a #threat yet? #concentrationcamps , #slavelabour , #organharvesting , #globalambitions - where does this end?
Finally, the #republican in the #us are actually attacking #president #biden with #impeachment Apparently it's on the basis on the #border #crisis - but nobody is expecting it to actually work. That said, it's about time they hold their #political #opponents #responsible ...
#us #president #presssecretary #psaki admits to kicking out #journalists because they were about to ask non- #approved #questions - how dare they! The #press was almost free to do its job! The #biden situation is absolutely insane...
Looks like #trump has found a way to #fund his 2024 #president #campaign in the #us by #suing the #newyorktimes for #publishing his #confidential #tax records: Not only this, but they got the situation entirely *wrong* - notice how they no longer discuss his tax records!
@barray on Thu Sep 16 11:37:59 UTC 2021 said: &eMore on #us #president #biden 's breaking of a #french #deal to build #military #navy #submarines for #australia I really suspect the Biden Presidency will be one of relationship sabotage - I suspect many world leaders wish they were still dealing with #trump !Looks like #biden is pulling some fast-ones and screwing over #france in #military #navy #submarine #contracts Seems like a bit of a sting to do this to a #eu #ally - something Biden doesn't appear to take seriously at all. I think #macron is right to call out the #us on the bullshit they pull against #france - not cool.
Most #popular #us #president in #history #biden breaks records for #disapproval He was literally #booed at a 9/11 #memorial in #democrat run #newyork - the #optics couldn't be any worse. Someone needs to #sunset him already, although nobody wants cackling #harris as president. What an absolute cock-up. #fuckjoebiden
The #eu now braces for the fallout of the #afghanistan #retreat by the #us and by extension #uk This literally could not have been handled worse by #president #biden ...
And now they turn on the #us #president #biden - calling him #racist (which is probably close to the truth):
Well, this is a pretty damning #video of the #us 's #president #biden by former President #trump Big ouch. More commentary here:
@barray on Sun Aug 15 17:11:11 UTC 2021 said: &eBare in mind, even #afghanistan 's #president has now #evacuated Absolute madness and chaos caused by the fucking #biden #administration - he has some serious questions to answer. Their #withdrawal was abysmal and dangerous.Well shit, a young #lad from the #uk is currently stuck in #afghanistan evading the #taliban Apparently he dressed as a #local before being taken to a #secret #safehouse by some #british #forces - insane.
The #us #government 's #president #biden 's #presssecretary #jenpsaki sounds as if they have now just accepted the rule of the #taliban over #afghanistan Very sad to see the US accept the Taliban onto the world stage like this, a shameful day.
Straight after #china 's #ccp started talks with the #taliban in #afghanistan - the #president of Afghanistan is now having massive problems with the #terrorist group again: This is also after #biden committed to pulling out as quickly as possible too. What an absolute mess that situation is. I feel very sorry for the people there.
Holy shit, #southafrica is in chaos: I never heard anything about this at all. Nothing in #uk news, nothing in #nz news. Fucking insane. Apparently the former #president #jacobzuma turned himself in for a #contemptofcourt charge and serves a 15 month #jailterm Apparently more than 70 people are dead and 1.2k arrested, with tonnes of people #looting - just like in the #us ...