So I have been using #akregator as an #rss #feed #reader for a few weeks now, and generally it is quite good. I do have a few problems with it though. 1. It doesn't support #arrowkeys in the lists, meaning you have to do a *lot* of clicking. 2. If it #crashes or is forced-closed for some reason, it doesn't remember what you have already read. 3. The search feature doesn't allow you to open up an associated feed easily. 4. The import feed should be able to just take a list of #feed #urls - #opml is wonky.
@barray on Sun Jun 27 06:17:42 UTC 2021 said: &eIt's really great to have #rss back now, much happier about it. Finally getting news updates again! Fingers crossed #akregator is much better than #thunderbird for #rss ! At least I already exported to #opml file encase I want to go somewhere else, it took an hour or so to rename all of the various #feeds ...Finally finished writing a custom piece of software to abstract the #rss from a corrupted #thunderbird #feed and rebuilding a #opml file that can then be important by another #rssreader - for which I have chosen #akregator for now. What a super pain in the arse that was...
Finally finished writing a custom piece of software to abstract the #rss from a corrupted #thunderbird #feed and rebuilding a #opml file that can then be important by another #rssreader - for which I have chosen #akregator for now. What a super pain in the arse that was...