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@barray on Mon Sep 05 15:50:49 UTC 2022 said: &e
Looking to use #konqueror instead of #nemo or #nautils in #ubuntu as it is *supposed* to have #session #management for #open #tabs . If this shit will #crash , the least it can do is #resume the previous #state !
@barray on Wed Dec 08 06:01:31 UTC 2021 said: &e
A great #discussion about how #bad #us #submarine #software actually is: https://fixvms.com/ Specifically #vms , the #voyage #management #system used for #underwater #navigation .
@barray on Tue Nov 23 12:15:06 UTC 2021 said: &e
I very much agree that #flatpak and #snap are not the #future for #package #management https://ludocode.com/blog/flatpak-is-not.. So many issues, including extreme #disk #space use!
@barray on Mon Oct 11 02:31:15 UTC 2021 said: &e
This #post by #jeffkaufman is really #sad https://www.jefftk.com/p/outdoor-dancing.. The #measurement of #microcovid as a #risk #management strategy and the #fear of not being able to #dance is very sad. #dance , #music and #art is one of the most fundamental expressions of #humanity ...