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@barray on Sun Jul 04 03:35:36 UTC 2021 said: &e
The #ccp 100th #anniversary #speech is something I think we will look back on and think of #mao , #stalin or #hitler https://asia.nikkei.com/Politics/Full-te.. It's filled to the brim with #nationalism - lies about a one Country, two systems policy with #hongkong and generally bigs up #communism - one of the most evil governance policies ever devised.
@barray on Wed Jun 30 05:07:01 UTC 2021 said: &e
#merkel of #germany is looking to #ban the #uk from the entire of the #eu - despite the UK having one of the highest #vaccine rates in the world: https://www.lotuseaters.com/merkel-to-at.. I'm sure she will be saying the same thing after the next wave in Germany? I remember the last time Germany banned the British from the EU, it didn't end so well for the Germans. As #hitler discovered - you can't fight a war on all fronts...