Wow, #canon #printers now don't even #recognise #genuine #ink #cartridges as #legit after the #chip #shortage has screwed with their #lock " #features " Apparently #canon are telling people how to #bypass the #warnings ... The #hackernews #comments are pretty good too, with one person claiming that #hp #regionlocked their #ink because the #climate is supposed to be different: Madness!
@barray on Wed Aug 04 01:30:40 UTC 2021 said: &eThe #printer #refill kind of works. The #hp printer has figured out I did *something* with the #cartridge and is claiming that the #genuine #cartridge is not genuine, based on some #firmware on the #cartridge itself. I suspect that it uses this to purposely run through #ink more quickly in a " #failsafe " mode in order to incentivize consumers to buy new HP cartridges rather than refill their own. Bare in mind, I purchased the printer for $20 or $30 and each cartridge costs that on its own.No idea why, but my original attempt to bring the #printer alive failed - but this time I seem to have succeeded? The #head #alignment is insanely out, but the print quality is actually acceptable. I was under the impression I was previously locked out by #cartridge #drm - so I'm glad it now finally works. I will need to purchase some printer #paper now!