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@barray on Wed Nov 02 21:31:46 UTC 2022 said: &e
Yeah, so the most recent #openssl #bug was caused by an #untested C #parser #function with #bufferoverflow https://twitter.com/hanno/status/1587775.. The #tweet is very #negative , but #automating only gets you so far. All it does is encourage people to switch off their brains. #openssl despite being super important is really under #funded .
@barray on Sat Sep 17 17:45:23 UTC 2022 said: &e
#modulo #bias is quite an interesting #problem https://research.kudelskisecurity.com/20.. #rejection is cool, but then you have a #random #function that doesn't #return in #fixed #time . Might be worth investigating.
@barray on Sat Nov 06 04:39:29 UTC 2021 said: &e
Ouch, you would be having a *very* bad day if your #program #application #crashes before it even reaches the main #function ! https://hackaday.com/2021/11/05/the-linu.. I never really thought about how much needs to run in order to hit the main function, but it makes sense.
@barray on Thu Sep 09 13:23:13 UTC 2021 said: &e
Ouch, a very simple #security #bug found in a #openssl parameter #comparison #function https://karpov2007.medium.com/everybody-..
@barray on Mon Aug 23 02:02:58 UTC 2021 said: &e
Surprisingly tough to write an #abs #function https://habr.com/en/post/574082/ I always forget there is more than one #zero - a negative (-0.0) and positive (+0.0) version! Man that's tricky!