Pretty cool #intrusion #detection #dataset
Oh dear, #china 's #cpp 's #national #plunge #detection #team is #buying tonnes of #stocks in #fear of an imminent #recession This does not look good!
#qr #codes are genuinely pretty cool: At some point in the future I would like to play about with them properly, perhaps in the context of #humanoid #robotics where all other #factors such as #detection #accuracy can be ruled out when designing #behaviours !
@barray on Thu Aug 19 00:10:40 UTC 2021 said: &eAnd now the #source #code is out there for generating your own #csam #hash #collision that can fool #apple 's #detection #algorithm Apple claim it will be impossible to figure out what #vector they are using to trigger detection, but it's only a matter of time before somebody figures them out with a #database of #childporn (something the #uk #police for example store). So essentially #stateactors have the ability to #reverseengineer their vectors.Scratch that, it looks as if people are actually generating #hash #collisions by modifying an existing image to match a #hash #apple have really fucked up on the response to this one... They should at the very least put #csam on ice until #researchers have been given more time to figure this out. Also, claims that it's "not the final #version " is not good enough, especially when you invited people to #attack it!
@barray on Wed Aug 18 10:48:11 UTC 2021 said: &e#apple are claiming there is no issue with their #csam #detection #algorithm because #researchers are not using the "final version", despite being invited to #test it: The lack of awareness on this is actually shocking... Even if researchers can't produce #hash #collisions on the #private version, #independent #nations can!Just a few days ago somebody replicated the #apple #csam #detection #algorithm Just now, somebody has successfully produced a #hash #collision - *exactly* what people were concerned about: Apparently it's even worse that this - different #hardware generates a different hash because of #float #precision ...
Just a few days ago somebody replicated the #apple #csam #detection #algorithm Just now, somebody has successfully produced a #hash #collision - *exactly* what people were concerned about: Apparently it's even worse that this - different #hardware generates a different hash because of #float #precision ...