An #embarrassingly #small #donation from #china 's #ccp #redcross (which are supposed to be #independent from the #government but aren't): #netherlands with 20 #million people have #donated 100 million #dollars , the #chinese with 1 #billion people #donate less than a million dollars. They still #refuse to call it an #invasion too.
Seems like #facebook are cocking it up more, by #censoring the #british #medical #journal #bmj and their #independent #research into the #clinical #trails behind the #covid #vaccine Bare in mind, this is one of the #oldest and most #respected #medical #journals *in the world.* Who on earth do these #factcheckers think they are to question them? Which "higher power" are they checking their #facts with? Or is it #advertisers ...?
Apparently the #uk 's #sage group is an ' #independent ' group of #academics that advise the #government on #covid - but seems to be #political and anti #brexit ... Apparently they also have a hand in the #nhs too. Feels like we should be careful about taking this group seriously.