A *really* bad #linux #kernel #wifi #exploit #patch inbound, it has 5 #cve 's against it: https://lwn.net/Articles/911062/ No idea what it is, but it must be pretty bad for us to be getting pre- #warnings about it like this.
Very #serious #zeroday #cve for #chrome and #chromium https://chromereleases.googleblog.com/20.. Lodged a #ticket to #update and #upgrade the #ubuntu #deb #packages https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+sourc.. Fingers crossed this happens soon.
Looks like #atlassian #confluence #cve 2021-26084 is being #exploited in the wild: https://twitter.com/CNMF_CyberAlert/stat.. What a crap chute.
Wow, quite a serious #security issue in #lynx that allows an #attacker to view #plaintext #passwords under very specific scenarios: https://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-secur.. Looks like it will be getting a #cve ... Interesting it appears #lynx is actually based on #timbernerslee 's original #libwww !