Great #writeup #article about the #crypto #bubble after watching #bitcoin and #ether #crash hard: Madness!
#threearrowscapital is apparently looking at #insolvency as the #crypto #bubble bursts: These are *very big* players in the game. Watch this space!
#coinbase laying off 1,100 (18%) of #employees - I'm sure #crypto is doing fine and there is nothing to worry about: Currently watching #bitcoin on #yahoo #finance and it looks like we might be below 21k for a while now: And as for the rest, nothing is looking good in this.
Another #crypto #celsius is #crashing - so far 90% and falling: This will add further #pressure to an already bad #crash .
#monitoring the #crypto #crash of #bitcoin , #eth , #tether , #coinbase , etc. Not looking good. Hope to write a quick #coffeespace #article later...
Interesting, it appears that tonnes of #crypto #coin #exchanges are looking at #bankruptcy We lost #luna the other day and people are looking into the #accounts of #tether and not finding anything good.
@barray on Fri May 13 10:08:51 UTC 2022 said: &e#terra #luna #crypto #stable #coin is #failing and also dragging down the likes of #tether with it: These #coins are supposed to be #pegged to the #us #dollar ...Interesting, the #crypto #market is all over the place. In this case #bitprime - a #retailer has been absolutely hammered: #rumours suggest that big names like #tether may also be in trouble - and if the #stable #coins go, then the #value of #crypto mostly falls out for many people.
Interesting, the #crypto #market is all over the place. In this case #bitprime - a #retailer has been absolutely hammered: #rumours suggest that big names like #tether may also be in trouble - and if the #stable #coins go, then the #value of #crypto mostly falls out for many people.
The writing is on the wall for #crypto The #founder of #bitconnect is on the hook for $2.4 #billion #dollars in the #us - and they'll be coming for the others too.
#eu #mep 's #draft a #bill to #ban #crypto and #anonymous #money #transactions in the name of stopping #crime and #terrorism They seem to believe that before #crypto , there was none of these things... And as if there being a #law will stop #criminals breaking it. What it will do, as always, is affect the #innocent ...
So a " #rapper " and #forbes #contributor has been #caught up in a $3.6 #billion #dollar #crypto #scheme Apparently things are not looking great on the #forbes side either: People are #reporting their #experience of paying to play: Apparently this include #forbes , #cnn , #bloomberg and #newyorktimes !
Ouch, very easy to lose tonnes of #money doing #crypto #transactions There is no #recourse either... You can literally #bankrupt yourself in one #click , one #leak or one #software #bug ...
Very cool #article on how #telegram created a #backdoor for their own #crypto #algorithm Their #server could #secretly #read all #encrypted #communications without being detected! Damn!
Okay, so I have been following #jwz for years - I had zero idea he was a #founder of #mozilla I just know him from his #xserver #research ! Anyway, this comes as the #mozilla #foundation have begun excepting #crypto #payments - which he correctly identifies as the planet destroying waste of time it is:
Yay, your #antivirus #software now more than likely #mines #crypto ! This is the #dystopian #hell #future we never asked for but got anyway!
Can somebody *for the love of all that is good* please put #hilaryclinton back under the rock she crawled out from under: She doesn't know what she's talking about, she's not #relevant any more and nobody cares for her. She knows nothing of #crypto #coin or #blockchain ...