Pretty cool #article on #blocking #web #scanners with #ipset and #iptables Pretty good information for #securing your #server !
Not sure how to feel about this #cloudflare #blocking #kiwifarms from their #ddos #service In terms of #freespeech , it seems like a real #shame . In terms of #illegal #activities such as #swatting and #doxxing , good riddance. If this is the bar to entry, surely other #social #media such as #facebook and #twitter could equally be #banned ? They did it to #parler after all...
Looks like #amazon , the #owner of #imdb , is #blocking and #deleting #negative #reviews of their new #lordoftherings #tv #series the #theringsofpower #amazon acting badly? Say it isn't so! #imdb have #caught quite a few times now messing with #reviews on their site.
Hah, interesting that #china 's #ccp is #blocking #us #imports of #pork in a #food #crisis and given their low internal standards: I #suspect this could be to force people to #buy more #local #foods as #imports are likely to dry up very soon and the #chinese #currency too.
#dutch #farmers are #blocking the #border between #holland and #germany as the #eu #rule that they have to cut #nitrogen #emissions as part of their #green #agenda This is at a time when there is about to be a #food #crisis , a #recession and a potential #worldwar . The #eu need to get their shit together.