Great points raised by #backreaction about #eletric #cars #vehicles not being ready yet: Pushing something unfinished can be worse than the original thing!
Great #review #video by #backreaction on #testosterone levels: I suspect #obesity will be the largest #factor in this #discussion .
Great #youtube #video by #backreaction about #public #fights in #science Many of the fights are much less #epic and public, but arguably just as important. There are many #opinionated #scientists in #ai for example, and in #retrospect we will see who was right...
Since I was #young - I *always* had this #gutfeeling about #superdeterminism being the proper #answer to #quantummechanics and was told growing up that it was wrong: I am so glad to hear from #sabrina from #backreaction that actually I may have been barking up the right tree. I'm sorry this breaks #freewill - but #hiddenvariables answers a lot.
Nice, #ytoff now handles #embedded #urls - something that was bugging me for a while when I checked out #articles on #backreaction , etc: Now it handles that case okay, even making a reasonable attempt at trying to fit inside the little #iframe !
Very interesting #discussion by #backreaction on how close #nuclear #fusion is to being a viable #energy #replacement #source Sounds like the #scientists and #science #communicators are being #wilfully #opaque in exactly *how much* #energy is being produced and fudging the numbers.