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@barray on Wed Jul 21 20:30:04 UTC 2021 said: &e
Fuck #vodaphone - every time I have to use their shitty service there is some kind of #darkpattern in there somewhere. And due to every service being 'modern', you now cannot even fucking fart without a #phonenumber and #twofactorauth ... Apparently I cannot even call a #freephone number without first topping up my phone. To top up my #phone I have to install their shitty #app - because the #browser fails to work. It's like death by a thousand little fucking cuts.
@barray on Sat Jul 17 05:11:08 UTC 2021 said: &e
#vodaphone have charged me 69 cents for "card convenience". The fucking cheek of it. I'll send them an #invoice for inconvenience shall I? How on earth this shit is even legal is beyond me. This is on top of having to go on a monthly plan because their system "wouldn't allow" the staff to put me straight onto a monthly plan. It's just bullshit on bullshit. Then when I went to change after a month back onto a #payasyougo plan, they offered a $5 reduction. Why the fuck didn't they offer that before? Insanity.