Looks like #unemployment in the #us is about to hit massive highs with #inflation increasing anyway: https://www.zerohedge.com/economics/scar.. The #fed have really screwed this up insanely badly. Prepare for an almighty #us #crash coming soon. It will likely get #triggered by the #eu or #china at this rate.
The #us is going in a weird direction, and that direction is away from #freedom https://edition.cnn.com/2021/07/23/tech/.. Apparently many #states now require people wanting #unemployment #benefits to submit #photos to private companies to do #facialrecognition checks. Apparently this comes as unemployment #fraud reaches $400 #billion ... This is getting crazy.
#unemployment in #southafrica is at insane levels: https://www.iafrikan.com/2021/06/04/iafr.. This makes them at risk from a #debttrap from #china