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@barray on Fri Jul 01 23:28:22 UTC 2022 said: &e
#voyager - a #crypto style #bank , is now #insolvent due to #threearrowscapital https://www.investvoyager.com/blog/voyag.. This will likely lead to more heavy #crypto #trading - which will likely #stress #tether #usdt even more.
@barray on Tue Dec 14 18:37:56 UTC 2021 said: &e
Damn, #wikileaks #julianassange #suffered a mini- #stroke due to the #stress caused by his #us #extradition #trial https://www.zerohedge.com/political/juli.. #letsgobrandon #fuckjoebiden on this one. This is entirely amped up by a #witchhunt by the #us #democrats as he very possible helped #trump 's #victory over #hilaryclinton - after she was #caught doing all sorts of bad crap.