Heh, #antifa in #france are #rioting because they didn't get the #election #result they wanted: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/anti.. #violence in the name of #politics is #terrorism , and the #organisation of this group clearly #indicates they are a #terrorist #activist #organisation . They should really be #outlawed .
@barray on Fri Nov 19 22:22:13 UTC 2021 said: &eAnd of course the #leftwing and #mainstream #media are already calling #kylerittenhouse names, talking about "mostly peaceful" #protesting / #rioting as a result: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/fck-.. Even the #aclu #commented on this #decision by the #jury being " #unfortunate ", claiming he was not held to #account for his #actions ... He #defended himself, the #jury saw that and now he is a #free man.#kylerittenhouse is a good boy that did *nothing* wrong, after getting #acquitted on all #counts by the #jury ! Even if that hadn't been the case, the #prosecutors were acting in such a way that the #judge may have been called a #mistrial - some speculate with #prejudice !