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@barray on Wed Sep 07 22:24:19 UTC 2022 said: &e
#rickandmorty #season 6 #episode 1 is pretty good, looking forward to the rest of the season!
@barray on Tue Jul 27 05:37:33 UTC 2021 said: &e
#rickandmorty season 5 episode 6 is okay I guess. They keep adding some #socialjustice stuff into the story writing, I guess that's what you get for bringing in kids to do #storywriting ... For example in this episode they bring up #slavery and #racism a lot for no apparent reason. It's just weird.
@barray on Tue Jul 13 10:20:25 UTC 2021 said: &e
@barray on Tue Jul 13 09:55:21 UTC 2021 said: &e
The latest #rickandmorty episode season 5 episode 4 was actually shit. Essentially it was a #feminist #propaganda piece where #men are big dumbs dumbs ignoring #women and women are excellent - essentially just echoing the current #media narrative. I watch this programme to escape that crap, not to be blasted with it in my spare escape time. What a blow out of an episode. Thank the gods that episode 7 was leaked early: https://screenrant.com/rick-morty-season..
#rickandmorty season 5 episode 7 was average, but much better than episode 4. It continued the 'joke' of the space baby from episode 4, but in the grand scheme of things didn't really evolve the characters all that much. I'm still hoping for the #evil #morty story to be built upon at some point - they really had something with that.
@barray on Tue Jul 13 09:55:21 UTC 2021 said: &e
The latest #rickandmorty episode season 5 episode 4 was actually shit. Essentially it was a #feminist #propaganda piece where #men are big dumbs dumbs ignoring #women and women are excellent - essentially just echoing the current #media narrative. I watch this programme to escape that crap, not to be blasted with it in my spare escape time. What a blow out of an episode. Thank the gods that episode 7 was leaked early: https://screenrant.com/rick-morty-season..
@barray on Mon Jun 28 13:13:13 UTC 2021 said: &e
Okay, the latest #rickandmorty episode was freaking awesome. The idea of a #deconfamily was very cool. Now that's got my searching a #asimovcascade https://heavy.com/entertainment/rick-and.. I wasn't aware of this term before, but apparently it is a more generic form of #asimov 's #threelaws of #robotics
@barray on Mon Jun 21 20:36:32 UTC 2021 said: &e
New season 5 #rickandmorty episode 1 - it was okay. Not bad for a start, but I still find myself wanting them to build upon the evil Morty story. At the minute it feels like they are pulling their punches.