The #assange case is falling apart: Some of the key #witnesses are getting #arrested on the grounds of #fabrication ... Again, this is why we need #legal #protections for #responsible #whistleblowers ...
Looks like the #eu join #apple in #csam #child #pornography #protections Now companies have permission to search *all* #private #encrypted #messages for any offensive material. *I'm sure this won't be misused in the near future.* They have taken away #chatcontrol and #secrecyofcorrespondence from #europeans - thank goodness for #uk and #brexit ! I suspect #boris will just roll out something worse though...
@barray on Mon Aug 02 00:54:48 UTC 2021 said: &eLose 20 #internetpoints one day on #hackernews - gain over 130 the next: It's a very interesting discussion on #apple 's new #childporn " #protections ", that many, including myself, believe that it is just a #backdoor for a more #intrusive #privacy breach at a later date.The only good thing about losing about 20 #internetpoints over on #hackernews is that I now have some article ideas. So far I have "Empathy vs logic", "Emotion vs reason", "My enemy is not human", "Workplace sexism", "Good debate technique" and "Feminism everywhere". I think I got a good deal for those points!