#putin is suggesting that the #west wants to #destroy #russia https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/putin-.. This is clearly a dumb #narrative , the #eu were very happy with the previous #arrangement , why would they want a #regime change? It was *him* that #triggered this #war in #ukraine .
Glad to hear that #aardvark is beginning to #question the #narrative on #covid https://aardvark.co.nz/daily/2022/0111.s.. You must #beware of #omicron ! For it cannot be distinguished from the normal #flu ... I think if that really is the case, with it outcompeting the #delta #variant - we're done now. No more #vaccines , no more #boosters , no more #passports , no more #restrictions . It has become an acceptable level of #risk - it will not #overwhelm the #health system. Checkout the #uk !
#china 's #ccp is continuing to tighten its grip - this time on #private #media https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/c.. This just reinforces the idea that there is zero #pressfreedom in #china - and likely indicates that there is some #narrative they want to control in the near future.