Damn, as the #lotuseaters point out, the #war in #ukraine is #complicated https://youtube.com/watch?v=jjW7G1Q_o-E There appears to be #nazis on both sides, #isis on both sides, #jews teaming up with #nazis and #muslims - it's an absolute mess.
So the #uk 's anti- #terrorism #program named " #prevent " is unable to be effective due to #political #correctness and #socialjustice https://www.lotuseaters.com/report-uk-an.. Instead of going after #isis and #islamic #radicalisation - instead they are going after the infamous " #rightwing ", who are *not* #stabbing #mps the #death or going on #rampages with a #knife through #london . Madness.
Great, now we have an #islamicstate #isis #islam #muslim #terrorist #attack in #nz https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/s.. Apparently they are a #srilankan national who the #police were investigating - clearly not close enough.
There are some things you simply do not come back from. #shamimabegum left the #uk to join #isis https://www.lotuseaters.com/shamima-begu.. Anyway there is a documentary to be released soon about her, where they try to humanize her and her actions. I'll give it a watch if I can, but I am for sure walking into this situation with an extreme bias against her actions.
How much #whitesupremacy does #biden believe is actually going on in the #us ? https://www.lotuseaters.com/joe-biden-te.. When was the last attack? What is the name of the group? I'm drawing a blank here. In theory, given property damage and deaths, #blm is currently the most lethal threat... The only reason the #muslim group #isis have been quiet is lockdowns. Sounds like he has some future plans he needs to setup a narrative for...