The #uk is leadering in something! In this case, it is #energy #prices ... 34p per #killowatthour - fucking hell! You can burn through this kind of #energy incredibly easily. We need #nuclearpower *now* - #defund #greenenergy and #fund #sustainable #energy sources for the next 50 years.
#yougetwhatyoudeserve - two #democrat #blm #defund the #police #activist #politicians in the #us got #carjacked hours apart:
Would you look at that, #blm 's #defund the #police movement that asked to also #decriminalise #petty #crime has #backfired - with #companies simply leaving #sanfrancisco #walgreens are closing 5 #stores - directly citing #thefts ...
The #uk 's #leicestershire #crime #commissioner has banned staff from communicating with #blm - due to the fact that their goal is to #defund the #police