Interesting that #russia is now #striking #ukrainian #cities with #missiles , they will most definitely cause more #deaths than #ukraine did blowing up the #crimea #bridge This could still yet *really* kick off, no wonder #putin is making #nuke #threats !
#katiehopkins is simply spitting facts when it comes to #private #vehicles in the #uk , and how we are being pushed away from owning them: The problem is, our #economy relies on them existing. #london and #cities need to get it into their #heads - *not everybody lives in the #city !*
Turns out #young #women #outcompete #men in many #us #cities So when do we have #meonly #support for these #underprivileged #groups ? I'll place a safe #bet on never...
#kiev telling the other #cities they are not allowed to #surrender - might be easier said than done:
Anyone want to have a #discussion about how #democrat run #cities are filled to the brim with #homeless people? It really looks like they might have a #leadership problem in this areas...